If you're a boat owner, you should read this post to find out what kind of safety equipment you should keep on board to ensure you'll deal with emergency situations effectively.
What Safety Equipment Should Your Boat Have?
Having an emergency while you're out on the water is a less-than ideal situation. However, if your watercraft is fully equipped with the safety equipment mentioned in this post, you'll be able to deal with those difficult circumstances in a more efficient manner.
Flotation Devices
If you'll be going out on the water, flotation devices are a must-have item on your boat. Not only should every passenger have and wear a life jacket that's in good condition and that fits them properly, but there should also be a throw ring on board. These items are very important, since they can keep a person's head above the water if they fall into it.
Distress Signals
If you have a problem on your vessel, you'll want to have a way to communicate marine engines nearby that you're in need of urgent help. Distress signals (such as flares, bells, and whistles) are the way to do that, since they are meant to catch their attention. That's why your boat should be fully equipped with distress signals that are in good shape in case they're ever needed.
Anchor and Paddles
These next couple of items will depend on the type of boat you have and where you'll be navigating it. For example, you will need an anchor that's big enough to work against the size and weight of your vessel, and long enough to reach the floor under the water. Paddles may also be necessary if your boat doesn't have a second means of propulsion.
Fires can happen in boats, and if you want to have an effective way to deal with them, you will need to supply your boat with a fire extinguisher. Not only that, but you should learn how to use it so you can suppress the flames successfully. Just be sure to keep it in good condition and to refill it if you ever use it. Depending on the size of your watercraft, it may be a good idea to have more than one.
A First Aid Kit
People may also get sick or injured when they're on your boat. If you want to treat those conditions without having to wait to get back to land, carry a first aid kit on your boat. Remember to keep it fully stocked it with the basics: cotton, alcohol, band-aids, syringes, thermometers, purified water, gauze, closure strips, disposable gloves, paracetamol, aspirins, antibiotics, antihistamines, and antiseptics.
Navigation Tools
Lest you're someone who knows their way across the water by looking at the sky, the stars, and the waves, you will need to have some navigation tools with you to show you where to go. Have a compass, a map, and electronic navigation devices (and learn to use them), so they can guide you and help you return to your course if you stray.
Water and Food
If you and your passengers ever get stranded on your boat, you'd want to have enough water and food to survive while you wait to be rescued. For that reason, it's smart to keep enough bottles of potable water and a ton of non-perishable foods on board to last a few days. If you don't you may end up severely dehydrated and famished in an emergency.
Being able to communicate with another person if there's an unforeseen circumstance on your boat, can be the difference between being saved and perishing. That's why your watercraft should have communication devices, like a cell phone or a marine radio. You may also want to have a laminated sheet with important contact information, so you have someone to reach out to in your time of need.
Miscellaneous Items
Finally, and even though these aren't essential items, these miscellaneous objects can make your boating adventures smoother and more enjoyable. Hand sanitizer, a flashlight, scissors, safety pins, aloe vera, towels, blankets, and a change of clothes, may all come in handy at one point, so take them with you.